Narrative medicine: Reading the story of the patient | Alan Weber & Mohamud Verjee

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In this podcast, IGHPE talks to Dr. Alan Weber and Dr. Mohamud Verjee about narrative medicine and its potential roles in the health professions.

In November of 2018, they were responsible (together with Ms. Jamie Gray, Director of WCM-Q’s library) for organizing the first “Medical Humanities in the Middle East” conference, the proceedings for which are available on the IGHPE platform.


Both Dr. Weber and Dr. Verjee currently hail from Weill Cornell Medicine – Qatar.

Dr. Weber is a Professor of English, teaching the first-year writing seminar in humanities.

Dr. Verjee is Assistant Dean for Medical Student Affairs and an Associate Professor of Family Medicine.

Dr. Weber & Dr. Verjee, welcome to the podcast.